Author Archive for: Valentin Preda

Business Diplomacy is equally important for the multinationals global expansion as it is for the local companies survival by Valentin Preda Windesheim Business Diplomacy Conference 2015

Valentin Preda Windesheim Business Diplomacy Conference 2015

Business Diplomacy is equally importan…

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Business Diplomacy used by multinationals and domestic companies

Business Diplomacy used by multinationals and domestic companies

As Diplomacy is equally important for a small country as it is for a la…

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Business Diplomacy as a result of some knowledge transfer from Diplomacy to Business

For centuries, Diplomacy and its related concepts eg Economic Diplomacy, Commercial Diplomacy, Corporate Diplomacy and recently Business Diplomac…

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Integration of young students in the economic society is an opportunity for both the young and for companies

The Integration of young students in the economic society is an opportunity for both the young and for companies.

In the last year,
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