Integration of young students in the economic society is an opportunity for both the young and for companies
Conferința BUSINESS-to-more-BUSINESS a conturat cadrul de afaceri pentru anul 2016, în contextul noilor prevederi ale Codului Fiscal
Andrei AURSULESEI, , COMUNICATE, Uncategorized, conferinte b2b, evenimente, 0
Conferința BUSINESS-to-more-BUSINESS a relevat faptul ca Economia României va continua să crească în anul 2016, chiar și într-un climat...
Changes of form 088 – Declaration 088 for VAT operations
Valentin PREDA, , Accounting, COMUNICATE, STIRI, Tutoriale, Uncategorized, business, Declaratia 088, entrepreneur, formular 088, 0
Declaration 088 Va informam ca in urma recomandarilor primite din partea mediului de afaceri, a propunerilor venite din partea...
Increasing the Romanian Diaspora ‘s cooperation and project’s promotion through Business Diplomacy and Digital Business Platforms
Valentin PREDA, , Business Diplomacy, Conferinte, Evenimente, STIRI, Ambasador Nineta Barbulescu, Australia and New Zeeland, Business Diplomacy, Digital Business Platforms, Digital platform, Diplomatie Economica, Nineta Barbulescu, RBE Connect, Romanian diaspora, Romanian Embassy in Australia, Romanian Scientific & Business Diaspora Symposium, 0
Romanian Diaspora is very important for the future of Romania Mr Valentin PREDA – the CEO of the RBE...
The first Business Diplomacy Conference in Romania was held on the 29th of March 2016 in Bucharest
Valentin PREDA, , Business Diplomacy, COMUNICATE, Conferinte, Evenimente, Uncategorized, Business Diplomacy Conference in România, prima conferinta de business diplomacy din romania, prima conferinta de business diplomacy din romania, 0
The Romanian Business Exchange, in partnership with ANEIR, organized on the 29th of March at the Grand Continental Hotel...
Business Diplomacy as a result of some knowledge transfer from Diplomacy to Business
Valentin Preda, , COMUNICATE, Media, STIRI, Uncategorized, Business Diplomacy, Diplomatie Economica, 0
For centuries, Diplomacy and its related concepts eg Economic Diplomacy, Commercial Diplomacy, Corporate Diplomacy and recently Business Diplomacy ,...
RBE Connects lawyers, auditors, business consultants and partners all over the world
Valentin PREDA, , Accounting, Business Services, businesses for sale, COMUNICATE, doing business in Romania, m&a, business, business partnership, investing in Romania, RBE Connect, 0
The second edition of Morning Coffee @ RBE Connect – dedicated to professional business service providers, was held on...
How many valuable business connections do you have in your business networking? If you want to grow your business, increase the number of your quality business connections and build trust!
Valentin PREDA, , Business Services, businesses for sale, doing business in Romania, invest in Romania, Investing in Romania, Real Estate, Uncategorized, business connection, business contact in Romania, business networking, networking, 1
Business Networking in Romania The value of a business connection can be easily measured after a while, in the...
Business Diplomacy is equally important for the multinationals global expansion as it is for the local companies survival by Valentin Preda Windesheim Business Diplomacy Conference 2015
Valentin Preda, , Business Diplomacy, Business Services, COMUNICATE, STIRI, Business Diplomacy, 0
Valentin Preda Windesheim Business Diplomacy Conference 2015 Business Diplomacy is equally important for the multinationals global expansion as it...