Czech company focused on the development, production, installation, and servicing of systems of air traffic control (ATC/ATM) is exploring the Romanian market

Proposal's Value (EUR): 0

Proposal Description:

The ALES, s.r.o. company was founded in June 1993. It focuses on the development, production, installation, and servicing of systems of air traffic control (ATC/ATM) as well as on systems supporting air force command and control processes (C2). It has been a member of the ICZ groups since 2008.

The company is exploring the Romanian market.

Interested parties are invited to send their presentation and interest to the Romanian Business Exchange in order get an invitation to the Romanian – Czech Business Exchange and schedule an online meeting with PBS representative.

The Interest:

Sell other kind of Assets & Liabilities

Financial Details:

Lacat You need to be logged-in to see the financials and other important details (Previous Year Turnover, Year of Establishment, Number of Employees, available budget, package of shares available)

Business Trend: Stable

Type of Proposal: Sell a Business, Assets or Products. Get Capital

Type of Business:

Main Reason for Sale: Age / Retirement

Buyer Support: 3 luni

Country (where operating): Romania,

Czech - Romania 21

Fields of Activity:


Lacat You need to be logged-in to see the Assets & Liabilities related to this business proposal


Lacat You need to be logged-in to see the Business Proposal Presentations and Videos


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