Leading company in multilateration, multistatic surveillance, and reconnaissance technology located in the Czech Republic is exploring the Romanian market

Proposal's Value (EUR): 0

Proposal Description:

ERA is Czech leading company in multilateration, multistatic surveillance, and reconnaissance technology. We develop, manufacture and implement mission-critical systems for military and civil purposes. Over last 2 decades ERA reached number of more than 100 installations, deployed in over 66 countries on 5 continents with 24/7 operations.

The company is exploring the Romanian market.

Interested parties are invited to send their presentation and interest to the Romanian Business Exchange in order get an invitation to the Romanian – Czech Business Exchange and schedule an online video meeting with ERA representative.

The Interest:

Sell Goods / Services

Financial Details:

Lacat You need to be logged-in to see the financials and other important details (Previous Year Turnover, Year of Establishment, Number of Employees, available budget, package of shares available)

Business Trend: Stable

Type of Proposal: Sell a Business, Assets or Products. Get Capital

Type of Business:

Main Reason for Sale: Age / Retirement

Country (where operating): Romania,

Czech - Romania 21

Fields of Activity: Military


Lacat You need to be logged-in to see the Assets & Liabilities related to this business proposal


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Since 1993 we have been a Czech company performing its own research and high quality manufacturing. We can boast many years of experience and have …

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY and SOFTWARE, Military, Production / Manufacturing

Listat de: Andre…

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