Czech company that provides complex aviation solutions covering procurement, sales, aviation training, MRO and operational support for fixed and rotary wing aircraft is exploring the Romanian market

Proposal's Value (EUR): 0

Proposal Description:

European Air Services provides complex aviation solutions covering procurement, sales, aviation training, MRO and operational support for fixed and rotary wing aircraft.

Our company is a part of the CSG Aerospace Division, which gives us access to a wide range of capabilities available within the Czechoslovak Group. Thanks to synergies between our companies we offer complex and professional services of the highest standard.

Our Services

We analyze customer needs and deliver complex turnkey solution or entirely custom-built solution because of our long-term experience we understand aviation so well we come up with time saving and cost effective solutions. Our services cover a wide range of pilot and maintenance training for civilian and military customers. We offer expert advice and guidance for any individual or business looking to buy or sell an aircraft. We can help you to find the type of aircraft best suits your needs and give you on site support and other services like aerial services, MRO, modernization, spare parts and maintanence for fixed and rotary wing aircraft.

The company is exploring the Romanian market.

Interested parties are invited to send their presentation and interest to the Romanian Business Exchange in order get an invitation to the Romanian – Czech Business Exchange and schedule an online meeting with EAS representative.

The Interest:

Sell Goods / Services

Financial Details:

Lacat You need to be logged-in to see the financials and other important details (Previous Year Turnover, Year of Establishment, Number of Employees, available budget, package of shares available)

Business Trend: Stable

Type of Proposal: Sell a Business, Assets or Products. Get Capital

Type of Business:

Main Reason for Sale: Age / Retirement

Country (where operating): Czech,

Czech - Romania 21

Fields of Activity:


Lacat You need to be logged-in to see the Assets & Liabilities related to this business proposal


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