Hellenic-Romanian Partnership – Business Meetings in Bucharest

DATA: 23 June 2016 – 23 June 2016



#: Business Forum

The Embassy of Greece in Bucharest – Office for Economic and Commercial Affairs in cooperation with the Hellenic-Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce and with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania will organize the: Hellenic-Romanian Partnership – Business Meetings in Bucharest – Romania

Bucharest, 23th June 2016, 13:00 to 18:00

“Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei”, Bd. Octavian Goga nr.2,

Hall Banatul & Protocol, 3rd floor

This business event is organised in the context of the official visit of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Dimitrios Mardas, in Romania.

The purpose of the business event is the enhancement of the bilateral trade and exchanges between Romania and Greece as well as the creation and development of business opportunities. As you will notice from the link list, the Hellenic delegation consists of 41 companies active in the following fields: (1) food & beverages, (2) tourism, (3) cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, (4) building materials.

The B2B meetings will take place on Thursday, 23rd of June 2016, at the Halls Banatul & Protocol of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei, Bd. Octavian Goga nr.2, Sector 3, Bucureşti), between 13:00 and 18:00.

Interested parties are invited to contact the Embassy by e-mail: [email protected]


Business Meetings



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