The future of SMEs in the globalization context and the impact of TTIP The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership on the manufacturing and consumer market in EU

DATA: 29 May 2015 – 29 May 2015



#: Conferences



Date: 29.05.2015

Location: Hotel Radisson – Conference Room



09:30-10:00 Participants Registration

Panel 1:

10:00-11:45 To have or not to have specific regulations for SME’s?


Ms. Maria Grapini – MEP (Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee / Transport and Tourism committee / Relations with the Korean peninsula delegation / The Parliamentary Committee EU-Moldova delegation / The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly delegation / Former Minister for SME’s, business and tourism)


Mr. Eugen Orlando Teodorovici – Minister of Finance

Ms. Anca Laura Ionescu – State Secretary in the Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Environment

Mr. Mihai Tudose – Minister of Economy, Trade and Tourism

Ms. Theresa Griffin – MEP (Industry, Research and Energy committee / Transport and Tourism committee / The Parliamentary Committee EU-Russia cooperation delegation / The delegation for relations with China)

Mr. Liviu Rogojinaru – Vicepresedent – National Council of Private Small and Medium Enterprises in Romania – CNIPMMR

Mr. Cristian Nicolae Pârvan – General Secretary – Association of Businessmen in Romania

Mr. Adrian Izvoranu – General Director – Employers’ Confederation of Industry, Services and Trade

11:25-11:30 Questions from the floor / Answers

11:30-11:45 Moderator Conclusions

Ms. Maria Grapini – MEP (Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee / Transport and Tourism committee / Relations with the Korean peninsula delegation / The Parliamentary Committee EU-Moldova delegation / The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly delegation / Former Minister for SME’s, business and tourism)

11:45-12:00 Coffee Break

Panel 2

12:00-13:30 The impact of TTIP on producers and consumers in the EU market.

12:00-12:05 Moderator / Opening

Ms. Maria Grapini – MEP (Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee / Transport and Tourism committee / Relations with the Korean peninsula delegation / The Parliamentary Committee EU-Moldova delegation / The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly delegation / Former Minister for SME’s, business and tourism)


Mr. Valentin Preda – President of the Romanian Business Exchange

Ms. Viorica Dăncilă – MEP (Vicepresident of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development / Women’s Rights and Gender Equality committee / Regional Development committee / Delegation for the relations with the Arab Peninsula / Delegation for the relations with China)

Mr. Victor Negrescu – MEP (Budgets committee / Legal Affairs committee / Constitutional Affairs committee / The ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly delegation / The delegation for relations with Canada)

Mr. Emilian Pavel – MEP (Employment and Social Affairs committee / Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs committee / The delegation for relations with Israel / The delegation the Parliamentary Committee for Stabilisation and Association EU-Serbia)

Mr. Mihai Ionescu – Secretary General of ANEIR / Co-Chairman of the Export Council of Romania

Mr. Peter Faross – Secretar General – European Association of Craft , Small and Medium sized Enterprises UEAPME

Mr. Sorin Minea – Romalimenta Chairman

13:25-13:30 Questions from the floor / Answers – Moderator Conclusions / Closing of the conference

Ms. Maria Grapini – MEP (Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee / Transport and Tourism committee / Relations with the Korean peninsula delegation / The Parliamentary Committee EU-Moldova delegation / The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly delegation / Former Minister for SME’s, business and tourism)

14:00-16:00 Swedish buffet lunch



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