We are looking for new customers interested in metalworking

Proposal Description:

  1. We are looking for new customers interested in metal welding assemblies using a wide range of processes such as WigTig, MigMag, MMA, brazing etc. of the highest quality. Our team the welders with qualification in aviation and aviation engineers are building the perfection of any construction we make.
  2.  We are looking for customers who want to make various metal assemblies or subassemblies. We can handle the whole project from design to fabrication. But we mention that we offer the client, the option to perform only assembling through the imposed procedure.

The Interest:

Sell Goods / Services

Get Financing : , , ,

Financial Details:

Lacat You need to be logged-in to see the financials and other important details (Previous Year Turnover, Year of Establishment, Number of Employees, available budget, package of shares available)

Type of Proposal: Sell a Business, Assets or Products. Get Capital

Type of Business: Metal Works



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