Targuri Internationale in Cehia
Promoveaza-ti produsele si serviciile la nivel global, prin participarea la targuri internationale in Cehia, larg apreciate pe plan mondial, organizate intr-unul din cele mai mari centre expozitionale din Europe Centrala si de Est – BVV Trade Fairs Brno – Republica Ceha.
Traditie de 90 de ani in business matchmaking prin organizarea de targuri internationale.
Complexul expozitional se intinde pe o suprafata de 667,000 mp
Peste 130,000 mp – suprafata neta inchiriabila pentru expozanti, 450,000 mp inchiriati in timpul celor 50 de targuri si manifestari expozitionale de business de organizeaza anual.
1 milion de vizitatori anual, 12,000 expozanti
MSV is acknowledged as the premier industrial show in Central Europe. In the 1950 ́s to the 1980 ́s, the MSV served as
a business meeting point between “East and West” fostering technology transfer and information.
The MSV Brno, international engineering show, has become the most prestigious industrial technology trade fair in Central and Eastern Europe. Many great Czech, Slovak and foreign products and inventions have been introduced here.
Vrei sa-ti prezinti produsele / serviciile la targuri si expozitii din intreaga lume?
Vrei sa intalnesti cei mai potriviti parteneri de afaceri si sa iti gasesti noi piete de desfacere?
Venind in sprijinul companiilor romanesti cu activitate in industria prelucratoare si constructoare de masini, electrica – electronica si inginerie, auto, transporturi si logistica, agricultura, industria alimentara, constructii si materiale de constructii, inginerie, masini si utilaje, energie, ambalaje si tiparituri, plastic si cauciuc, sanatate si biotehnologie, mobila si prelucrarea lemnului, textile-pielarie, vestimentatie si design interesate sa isi exporte produsele si serviciile pe piata ceha precum si al oamenilor de afaceri interesati sa isi gaseasca partneri de afaceri internationali, Bursa Romana de Afaceri a semnat la sfarsitul anului trecut un parteneriat cu cel mai important organizator de targuri internationale din centrul Europei – Veletrhy Brno a.s. Republica Ceha.
Astfel, Bursa Romana de Afaceri a devenit incepand cu anul 2016, partenerul oficial pentru Romania al BVV – Veletrhy Brno a.s. Republica Ceha.
Parteneriatul are ca obiectiv principal facilitarea contactelor de afaceri intre companiile romanesti si cele internationale participante la targuri internationale si expozitii in Brno.
Pentru rezervari de spatii si mai multe detalii ne puteti contacta prin email la [email protected] sau la numarul de telefon 021-266.56.77
Anual, la Brno se organizează aproximativ 50 de târguri şi expoziţii internaţionale care sunt vizitate de aproximativ 1 milion de oameni.
Veletrhy Brno a.s. detine propriul areal expozitional, si continuă tradiţia expoziţiilor de la Brno, inaugurată în anul 1928 cu „Expoziţia culturii contemporane în Cehoslovacia”. In anii `50, în arealul expoziţional de la Brno s-a reuşit organizarea „Expoziţiei industriei cehoslovace constructoare de maşini”, tranformată apoi în „Târgul Internaţional Tehnic” care in prezent este unul din cele mai importante targuri recunoscute la nivel European.
De atunci activitatea expoziţională s-a dezvoltat din ce în ce mai mult iar Brno şi-a căpătat renumele de oraş expoziţional. Complexul expoziţional, cu o suprafaţă de expunere de 130.000 m², se numără printre cele mai mari suprafeţe expoziţionale ale lumii.
I wish the Brno Exhibition Centre a further successful stage, in which it will be able to hold its position among the strong European and world competition and also it will be able to futher assist the Czech and Slovak trade relations.
Ivan Gašparovič
President of the Slovak Republic (2004 – 2014), in a letter commemorating 80 years of the existence of the Brno Exhibition Centre
I am impressed with the important role that BVV Trade Fairs Brno plays in showcasing the Czech Republic’s continuing growth, and I applaud your work in bringing together Euro- pean and American companies.
Richard W. Graber
U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic
It may seem that in this age of the Internet, trade fairs of this signi cance rather lose their weight, but I think that it is not true, because we all know that it is primarily personal contact that is crucial in gaining trust. And trust is what we especially need in trade and business relations.
Vladimír Dlouhý
President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic
Brno truly is the centre of technological Europe; thousands of products from a great many exhibitors from many countries can be seen at the exhibition centre.
Janez Potočnik
European Commissioner for Science and Research
India, as a country which is a fast growing economy, facing many challenges but having enormous strength, we are one of the rst four economies in the world. The Czech Republic has been historically very strong in engineering, not only at this time, but for over two centuries. And you are the gateway to Central Europe for us.
Anand Sharma
Minister of Commerce and Industry of India
These are extremely important trade fairs and an example of the very best in Europe. The trade fairs clearly demonstrate human capabilities, and the excellent results they produce – both in production and in the supplier chain. The growing importance of the Czech Republic in the EU during a period of increasing globalization of industry and trade and the econo- mies of the EU countries is clearly evident here.
Graham Ewer
President of the European Logistics Association
The Brno trade fair is one of the most important events which are held in our country every year and all of us are certainly pleased that it still manages to maintain a position of a leading European industrial trade fair. This is illustrated by the composition of exhibitors and there is traditionally abroad public interest. Brno became an important trade fair centre of Europe thanks to this show.
Václav Klaus
President of the Czech Republic (2003 – 2013)
Traditia organizarii targurilor si expozitiilor internationale la Brno – Republica Ceha, a consacrat orasul Brno intr-un important centru industrial, stiintific si logistic in Europa Centrala.
Targurile organizate in Brno dateaza inca din 1243;
Ca urmare a dezvoltarii industriei textile din oras, prima expozitie de textile a fost organizata in secolul 18;
Inca din 1821 manifestari de anvergura internationala – “de genul celor occidentale” au fost organizate in mod regulat in Brno;
104,000 vizitatori au participat la Jubileul Imperial de la Brno in 1888, cea mai mare expozitie de la acel moment.
Programul de Targuri internationale in Cehia