June 2024 – “Thank you Bogdan for your help to select the best distributor in Romania for our shoes care products”

Serviciile prestate de Bursa Romana de Afaceri (RBE Connect) organizatiei care a oferit testimonialul: Dezvoltare Afaceri, Distributie, Gasire Parteneri Internationali, Realizare Conexiuni / Introduceri intre Oameni de Afaceri, Sedinta de Evaluare rapida a situatiei si de Orientare in Afaceri

“Thank you Bogdan for your help to select the best distributor in Romania for our shoes care products. The Romanian Business Exchange offered us a list of potential Romanian business partners and arrange the meetings with them and support us to decide whom we need to work with in Romania. Whole process took us two months but we now have our product on the market!” Eli

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