Tema prezentata de presedintele Bursei Romane de Afaceri – Valentin PREDA la Conferinta Internationala Diplomatia in Afaceri Windesheim University Zwolle Olanda 2015

Valentin PREDA la Conferinta Internationala Diplomatia in Afaceri Windesheim University

Tema prezentata de presedintele Bursei Romane de Afaceri – Valentin PREDA la Conferinta Internationala Diplomatia in Afaceri Windesheim University Zwolle Olanda 2015 a scos in evidenta ca Diplomatia in Afaceri este la fel de importanta pentru o multinationala interesata de expansiune globala cat si pentru o companie locala care cauta sa supravietuiasca.

Evenimentul a avut loc in data de 4 decembrie 2015.

Invitatia a venit in contextul in care Bursa Romana de Afaceri a demarat in anul 2015 un program national de formare de experti in Business Diplomacy. Primul astfel de workshop a fost organizat de Bursa Romana de Afaceri in vara anului 2015 la Bucuresti, cu participarea unor membri marcanti ai corpului diplomatic strain acreditat la Bucuresti.

In cadrul Conferintei din 4 decembrie 2015 din Olanda, Valentin a sustinut tema” Business Diplomacy is equally important for the multinational’s global expansion as it is for the local companies’ survival “.

Prezentarea a scos in evidenta importanta diplomatiei in afacerile internationale, atat pentru internationalizarea afacerilor dar si pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor in tara de origine, prin parteneriate cu firme straine.

Utilizarea in afaceri a tehnicilor, resurselor si instrumentelor specifice pana nu demult doar Diplomatiei, este cruciala pentru oamenii de afaceri care intereactioneaza sau pot concura cu afacerile internationale.

Este o chestiune de supravietuire, in contextul in care companiile multinationale utilizeaza in mod curent pentru cucerirea de noi piete, astfel de resurse si instrumente.

Alocutiunea lui Valentin a adus in discutie solutiile pe care oamenii de afaceri romani, nevoiti sa isi desfasoare businessul intr-un mediu economic local dominat de capitalul strain (peste 83% din totalul cifrei de afaceri a companiilor (nebancare) din Romania este realizat de companii cu capital majoritar strain), le au la dispozitie pentru a supravietui.

Este binecunoscut faptul ca ponderea capitalului romanesc in economie este intr-o continua scadere, caderea accentuandu-se in ultimul an de zile.

Conferinta Internationala de Business Diplomacy din Olanda, a reunit specialisti de renume international in domeniul Diplomatiei, Diplomatiei Economice, Diplomatiei Comerciale, diplomatiei Corporatiste si nu in ultimul rand in cel al Business Diplomacy.

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Business Diplomacy is equally important for the multinationals global expansion as it is for the local companies survival by: Valentin Preda Windesheim Business Diplomacy Conference 2015

 Business Diplomacy mic diplomatia in Afaceri Valentin Preda

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1  Diplomacy and Business

1.2  Definition of Business Diplomacy

2. The interdependence between Commercial Diplomacy and Business Diplomacy

3. Challenges in international business. How Business Diplomacy can address them

4. Business Diplomacy used by multinationals as well as by domestic companies and NGO’s

5. Romanian Particularities. The need for a Business Diplomacy Centre in Romania 12

6. Conclusions References

Valentin PREDA la Conferinta Internationala Diplomatia in Afaceri Windesheim University

1. Introduction

1.1 Diplomacy and Business

For centuries, Diplomacy and its related concepts (e.g. Economic and Commercial Diplomacy) have been considered as a set of tools and techniques used only by the elites of this world to communicate and negotiate solely issues of state. There have been important moments during our existence on this Earth when, for the greater good and evolution of our civilization, certain “know-how” has been transferred down from a “higher level” in order to help some paradigms move to the next stage of sustainable development.

Referring to the transfer of Diplomatic knowledge to Business, we may say that this process has already begun since such techniques are already being applied by Multinationals in particular, as leaders of globalization.
There is a need for a global ethical approach to such transfers and applications, especially considering that in small countries with week institutions the Multinationals will be the first to take advantage in front of the local companies, from such know-how transfer. And that may have a negative impact on working conditions, environmental standards and employment practices which will lead to conflicts that can destroy the multinational’s reputation.

Valentin PREDA la Conferinta Internationala Diplomatia in Afaceri Windesheim University

1.2 Definition of Business Diplomacy

Business Diplomacy is the way that international business uses the diplomatic know-how and the Commercial Diplomacy’s resources, to achieve its business goals in the home or host country.

We wish these goals to be equitable, sustainable, achieved on an ethical way and for all parties benefit at a global scale, but just including those values in a definition do not give any guarantee that will be taken into consideration by most of the international business people.

Commercial Diplomacy’s resources such as high level of contacts developed by skilled diplomats in both home and host country, public promotion tools at a reasonable cost and communication channels, reputation and trust factor, intelligence and pure market information centralized for a historical period, are few of the main needs for a company to go international with less risks and at a decent costs.

Are International Diplomats ready to share in an organized way some of their knowledge and resources with all the business stakeholders? Because, if this Pandora’s box will be opened, we shall be ready to deliver something that will produce positive effects for all involved parties, on a global scale.

Business Diplomacy shall define and require a high level of standards, to be respected by the future Business Diplomats.

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